Some of Steve’s favorite places in district 3

The Aladdin Theater

When’s Randy Newman coming back?

Hinterlands food carts

The Migas taco at Matt’s BBQ food cart is the best bargain in town. (And I love their ad parodying The Shane Company: “you’ve got a friend in the barbecue business.”)

Fifty Licks ice cream

Heck of a chocolate milkshake.

J&M Café

Outstanding waffles!

The Grand Central in Woodstock

It’s the friendliest Grand Central!

Batting a Thousand

The batting cage in Montavilla. Sometimes you just need to hit a baseball.

The Bagdad Theater

Portland wouldn’t be Portland without its independent theaters.

The Laurelhurst Theater

Mount Tabor in Portland Oregon

Mount Tabor

of course! Especially on clear days when you can see Mount Hood as a reward for climbing all those steps.

Music Millennium on Burnside

and the nearby “Heartbreak Dead Ahead” sign. I installed the sign as a tribute to a song by the Motown band the Marvelettes (“they say that love is blind – but it’s as clear as a highway sign – danger - heartbreak dead ahead”) – when I was on the City Council; then someone stole it; then a private citizen replaced it! (By the way, speaking of Motown, why hasn’t the songwriting trio of Holland-Dozier-Holland gotten the Medal of Freedom?)

Albina Press & Sapphire hotel

Coffee shop and restaurant next door.

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